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Retrospective 1

End of year looms and I'm catching a quiet moment before the next meal among friendly faces. Let's reflect.

I've missed my arbitrary article production target. Even after adjusting it a little while ago, the priorities in those busy days preparing meals and exchanging with people that I haven't seen in ages makes it so that writing does not make it to the top. But so is true with all my hobbies in those times, even reading. And prioritising family and friends is sound I believe.

It does itch a bit to have missed the target I set. However, the goal that target was designed for has been reached. I now have a much clearer view of what I like to write and what I want this little space of internet to be.

I think that it can be freeing to write about some personal experiences, but only when it feels natural. I did not enjoy writing about running, despite me liking the activity. It felt forced. It was a relief to write about my feelings relative to my job and colleagues. I think one core difference was that one was an excuse to write, the other was something I really wanted to say but couldn't in its natural context.

The other thing I learned was that, like at work, dev logs really help me move forward during projects. I think I will use this space more in that direction. Imagining an audience forces me to stay on track and helps me get better at making them coherent. Which is not always an easy thing to do, but that's why I have to improve.

So here it is. On one side I am a little disappointed in me, on the other I am proud and happy to have found a starting set of things I enjoy to publish. Let's see how this goes. And given that it is the 31st, I wish to you reader an excellent start in the new year.

