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Rules of the game

So. I now have an online soapbox, so that I can explore my fear of writing things where strangers can read me. Now what do I write? Let's come up with a couple rules to guide us.

Rule number one: Be positive and/or constructive

There are many reasons to be distraught at the state of the world. Also, negativity can drive media engagement more reliably than other characteristics, if the mood of "feeds" online can be trusted. But enough of that. When I go read the internet, I want to be informed, not feel informed. In the sense that I want potentially actionable information to make the world better, not just 10 additional phobias a day. In the same sense, there is enough anger and hate already out there as well. Not that anger can't be productive, that's where the and/or in the rule stands for. But let's be real, usually it does not lead anywhere good. It does not have to be extraordinary, let's just try to contribute positively.

Rule number two: Avoiding perfectionism

I have been frozen in fear many times in the past at the idea of putting something out that is not spick and span. The thing is, usually things I see online are rarely perfect, and while it is good to hold oneself up to standard (hence these rules), it can be a muzzle as well. Hence let's accept that the posts that will be done here will be crummy, awkward and imperfect. I don't expect anyone to read them anyway. Although if you do, may your day be lovely, naturally.

Rule number three: Write frequently for the length of the experiment

This experiment is meant to last until January 1st 2025. Until that arbitrary date, I aim to post 5 times a week, ignoring the present one. I'll keep a day off or two for Christmas and such. That's 35 posts if I am not incorrect. After that, we will see if it feels fun or if it does not. A consequence is that it will probably be rambly and go from one theme to the next. But that's the point: find out what kind of things I enjoy writing publicly.


So TL;DR: My goal is to write 35 additional posts by the end of the year, for these posts to be constructive and/or positive in some way and to accept that they will be far from perfect. Until we meet again, improbable reader.

